Sexual Assault Awareness Week
This week is Sexual Assault Awareness week and all you bitches better participate. Ask me about wearing a 1 in 4 t-shirt on Friday (for further explanation of the meaning of 1 in 4, see below). The shirt is free and this will help the administration get a clue that we need a sexual assault policy. That's right, the U of C has no formal sexual assualt policy! Problematic, no? Anyway, ask me or email Aya ( to get a shirt to wear. They are totally free and super stylish. The rest of the events for the week are as follows:
January 30- February 3
Our goal is by Friday, February 3, every single person on the U of C campus (undergraduate and graduate students, faculty members, staff members, everyone!) will understand the following two points:
1) Sexual assault happens at the U of C
In a study of private and public 4-year universities, 1 in 4 undergraduate women has experienced rape or attempted rape. Sexual assaults reported in U of C publications (e.g. Commonsense) are only those for which a police report has been filed and that which happens on the University campus. Since ~90% of sexual assault goes unreported (even more on university campuses), the number of sexual assaults reported in U of C publications grossly underestimates what's actually happening. Furthermore, most rape happens in the home of the victim or a friend, and student apartments (off the University campus) do not count in the Common Sense statistic.
2) The University has NO official Sexual Assault Policy
The only reference to sexual assault in existing University Policy is a definition of sexual assault as "a direct form of sexual harassment" (and nothing else) in the sexual harassment policy. The new disciplinary policies make some reference to the specific policies of disciplinary hearings during sexual assault but these include no enumeration of informal options, the rights of the complainant and the accused, or resources for survivors available on campus. Additionally, there is not extensive education about sexual harassment and sexual assault is required or available of many authority positions, including TAs and faculty. Stop by our tables, MWF in the Reynold's Club between 11 and 2.
Monday: Thelma and Louise
Free screening in BSLC 115
Discussion to follow
Coordinated by Southside Sexual Assault and Violence Educators
Free hot drinks outside Cobb Stop by our table for FREE hot chocolate, tea, and cider on the quads. Facts about sexual violence or about the way the university handles sexual violence come free with the hot drinks as part of our consciousness-raising campaign.
Thursday: What is Sexual Assault?
Vicki Sides, director of Resources for Sexual Violence Prevention, address what sexual assault is and how is manifests itself and affects different communities. What is Rape Trauma Syndrome? What do you do if you are assaulted? How can you help a friend who has been assaulted? What resources are available to survivors? What actions can survivors take? Crucial information about sexual assault for everyone.
Vicki Sides (Director of RSVP)
Free Dinner
Stuart 101
Friday: 1 in 4
Wear a FREE t-shirt that says 1 in 4, the number of college women who have experienced rape or attempted rape. Pick up shirts:
Wednesday, 1:30-9:30 PM: Reynold's Club basement
Thursday: 4-6, 8-10 (Reynold's Club basement)
6-8 (Stuart 101)
Please contact Michelle ( or Raedy ( if you are interested in participating or if you need more information.
Also, let me know if you want to help flier, set up events, or any of that good stuff :)
January 30- February 3
Our goal is by Friday, February 3, every single person on the U of C campus (undergraduate and graduate students, faculty members, staff members, everyone!) will understand the following two points:
1) Sexual assault happens at the U of C
In a study of private and public 4-year universities, 1 in 4 undergraduate women has experienced rape or attempted rape. Sexual assaults reported in U of C publications (e.g. Commonsense) are only those for which a police report has been filed and that which happens on the University campus. Since ~90% of sexual assault goes unreported (even more on university campuses), the number of sexual assaults reported in U of C publications grossly underestimates what's actually happening. Furthermore, most rape happens in the home of the victim or a friend, and student apartments (off the University campus) do not count in the Common Sense statistic.
2) The University has NO official Sexual Assault Policy
The only reference to sexual assault in existing University Policy is a definition of sexual assault as "a direct form of sexual harassment" (and nothing else) in the sexual harassment policy. The new disciplinary policies make some reference to the specific policies of disciplinary hearings during sexual assault but these include no enumeration of informal options, the rights of the complainant and the accused, or resources for survivors available on campus. Additionally, there is not extensive education about sexual harassment and sexual assault is required or available of many authority positions, including TAs and faculty. Stop by our tables, MWF in the Reynold's Club between 11 and 2.
Monday: Thelma and Louise
Free screening in BSLC 115
Discussion to follow
Coordinated by Southside Sexual Assault and Violence Educators
Free hot drinks outside Cobb Stop by our table for FREE hot chocolate, tea, and cider on the quads. Facts about sexual violence or about the way the university handles sexual violence come free with the hot drinks as part of our consciousness-raising campaign.
Thursday: What is Sexual Assault?
Vicki Sides, director of Resources for Sexual Violence Prevention, address what sexual assault is and how is manifests itself and affects different communities. What is Rape Trauma Syndrome? What do you do if you are assaulted? How can you help a friend who has been assaulted? What resources are available to survivors? What actions can survivors take? Crucial information about sexual assault for everyone.
Vicki Sides (Director of RSVP)
Free Dinner
Stuart 101
Friday: 1 in 4
Wear a FREE t-shirt that says 1 in 4, the number of college women who have experienced rape or attempted rape. Pick up shirts:
Wednesday, 1:30-9:30 PM: Reynold's Club basement
Thursday: 4-6, 8-10 (Reynold's Club basement)
6-8 (Stuart 101)
Please contact Michelle ( or Raedy ( if you are interested in participating or if you need more information.
Also, let me know if you want to help flier, set up events, or any of that good stuff :)
At 2:26 AM,
Kythe said…
Jo, even though I'm not in Chicago currently, could you save me a shirt?
I've been working with Michelle on this since last year.
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